All you need to know about Competent Adviser Status (CAS)

15 January 2018

A male mortgage adviser offers financial advice to a man and a woman. The couple are both smiling at the financial adviser.

The CMAcert programme has been withdrawn and is no longer open to new enrolments.

Competent Adviser Status, or CAS status for short, is something that every newly qualified mortgage adviser will have to achieve. CAS status means exactly what it says; it is deeming the adviser competent to provide sound advice to clients and submit mortgage applications and relevant protection without requiring supervision. This is normal practice within most financial industry roles, as well as other professional sectors, and ensures that every adviser has the regulatory knowledge and practical skills to succeed within their job role.

Newly qualified advisers will be supervised by a senior adviser to gain their CAS status, helping them build their knowledge of the job role and also gain confidence to complete the tasks they will face throughout a typical day. While there is no formal qualification to obtain your full CAS status sign off, Simply Academy have created the Competent Mortgage Adviser certificate course to help bridge the skills gap and aid advisers in obtaining their CAS status sign off in a shorter timeframe.

The Competent Mortgage Adviser certificate, or CMAcert for short, is an online study course providing real life scenarios to help build advisers practical knowledge of their day-to-day job role. Containing information on how to find clients, cover key areas of generic protection, all the way through to completing the sign-up form procedures, the CMAcert course builds a digital portfolio as you complete each unit which can be printed and used as evidence of the skills you have learnt.

Upon completion of the course, including the formal assessment which is based on assessments, activities and case studies, you will receive your certification of completion which can be presented, along with your completed digital portfolio, to potential or current employers when applying for positions. This will show them the practical skillset you have obtained and help in completing your CAS status sign off.

For more information on Financial Services training and online course booking, please visit our course pages. Our friendly Student Support team is ready to assist with your queries or help plan your studies, and you can contact them by email at [email protected] or on Freephone 0808 208 0002.

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