Equity Release Training

17 July 2018

Mortgage advice concept. A small wooden house sits on a laptop keyboard, with sunlight shining through the window behind.

You would be hard pushed to find someone who hasn’t heard of equity release these days.  It is the biggest grossing sector of the financial industry at the moment, and because of its popularity, increased numbers of homeowners are looking to release the capital tied up in their property and use it for other means. With so many potential clients available, along with the rise in equity release products on the market, advisers are snapping up the opportunity to provide this specialised service.

To become an equity release adviser, you need to be CeMAP® qualified in the first instance before embarking on your Certificate in Regulated Equity Release training (CeRER® for short). CeRER® is an additional module that follows on from CeMAP® and will equip you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to advise clients on their equity release needs. Once you have completed your CeRER® training and qualified as an equity release adviser, you will be able to offer confidence to your clients of your industry knowledge and expertise to ensure they select the right option to suit their needs. Releasing equity from a property is a very important decision for any homeowner, and they will certainly have many questions that only a qualified specialist will be able to answer, such as, what is the minimum age for equity release? How long does it take to release equity? Can you pay back the equity release? Can you move house after taking equity from the property? With such a massive financial decision to make, a qualified adviser will be able to draw from their CeRER® training to provide a professional service to help put the clients mind at ease.

If you want to add this additional service to clients and expand your skillset, get in touch with Simply Academy for more information on CeRER® training by calling our friendly support team on Freephone 0808 208 0002 or alternatively visiting the CeRER® course page. We look forward to welcoming you on to your chosen course.

Simply Academy is accredited as a trusted partner by The London Institute of Banking & Finance
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Simply Academy awarded the Highest Rated Courses Brilliance Award 2019 from CourseCheck
Simply Academy is FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) registered

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