Finding the Right Equity Release Course for You

19 December 2017

An Asian female financial adviser holding a large folder of financial paperwork. She is looking into the camera and smiling.

As the equity release market hits a new record high this winter, more advisers are looking to expand their range to include providing this sought-after service. Being able to offer advice on equity release to current clients, as well as attracting new clients, is a great addition to any adviser’s skillset, and with this part of the sector really taking off, the sky’s the limit for advisers looking to broaden their services.

Undertaking the right equity release training course is paramount to ensuring your success in passing the qualification. Like any professional qualification, its always advisable to find a reputable and experienced training provider to help you gain the required knowledge and skills to complete the Certificate in Regulated Equity Release (CeRER® course).

There are plenty of providers out there offering equity release training courses, but like buying a new car, or finding a property, making the right choice of training provider will set you on the right track from the start. Simply Academy have been training advisers into the financial industry for over 10 years with great results from their equity release training courses. Offered as just a single days training, our expert tutors who have worked within the financial sector for many years, will walk you through the syllabus while imparting their own knowledge and experience of the industry; an invaluable asset for all students.

As an approved training provider of The London Institute of Banking and Finance, and trusted partners of the National Skills Academy for Financial Services and the Financial and Legal Skills Partnership, studying your equity release training course with Simply Academy will ensure you the best possible route to success. For more information on studying CeRER with Simply Academy, please do get in touch with our friendly support team on Freephone 0808 208 0002.

Simply Academy is accredited as a trusted partner by The London Institute of Banking & Finance
Simply Academy is trusted by the Education & Skills Funding Agency
Simply Academy awarded the Highest Rated Courses Brilliance Award 2019 from CourseCheck
Simply Academy is FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) registered

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