How long is a CeMAP qualification valid for?

20 May 2016

A group of male and female students sitting around a table at a financial services training course

You will be pleased to know that the regulatory CeMAP qualification is currently valid indefinitely, so once you have completed your training course and passed all three module exams you will be fully qualified to advise your clients on mortgages and mortgage related products.

Unlike some qualifications where you need to resit your examinations every few years you do not need to do this with your CeMAP. By attending a Fast Track classroom-based course or studying at home using our e-learning courses, you will gain all the knowledge required to complete your CeMAP examinations and subsequently take that first step into a rewarding role in the mortgage industry.

Simply Academy’s Fast Track training courses are held in 6 locations around the UK, giving students who wish to study in a classroom environment with the expert tutelage of our knowledgeable course tutors broader options of where to attend. Our e-learning courses are suitable for students who prefer home study or are looking to fit their studies around other home and work commitments, giving them the flexibility to progress through the study material at their own pace with the additional assistance of online tutor support.

Although it is great news that a CeMAP qualification is valid indefinitely, remember that the financial industry is every changing, so keeping up to date with the latest regulations and annual changes is important to ensure you are providing the correct information to your clients. Our course materials for both the Fast Track and e-learning courses are updated annually in line with the awarding body, the Institute of Financial Services, to ensure our students are provided with the most current industry regulations and policies.

So, if you are looking to forge a successful and prosperous career in the mortgage sector, please do get in touch with a member of our student support team on Freephone 0808 208 0002 . Alternatively you can view further information or book a course online.

We look forward to welcoming you on to your chosen course.

Simply Academy is accredited as a trusted partner by The London Institute of Banking & Finance
Simply Academy is trusted by the Education & Skills Funding Agency
Simply Academy awarded the Highest Rated Courses Brilliance Award 2019 from CourseCheck
Simply Academy is FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) registered

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