How to motivate yourself for home studying
2 November 2020

An important part of completing an online course such as those provided by Simply Academy is being able to study from home. When you register for a remote learning programme, there isn’t a building to go to, so you’ll need to make sure that you’re prepared to make time for studying in your own space.
In this blog, we look at whether studying at home carries any benefits, why it can be hard to study at home and provide helpful tips on how you can do this successfully.
Is studying at home a good idea?
Studying at home is often a crucial part of e-learning. You may choose to spend time in a library or another setting that makes you feel more inclined to focus, but many people spend the majority of their study time in their own homes.
There are many benefits associated with this. For instance, one of the primary perks to e-learning is the convenience. All of your course material is given to you digitally, so you’re able to digest this information online at a time that suits you. You don’t have to make space in your schedule to attend classes at certain times and in specific places, saving you hassle and helping you to fit your study around your existing commitments.
Why is it so hard to study at home?
Although there are several clear advantages to studying at home, there are reasons why some students may struggle to learn in this way. The causes for these issues can be split into two related categories: distractions and procrastination.
Distractions –
As your home is where you relax and unwind, it can be difficult to remain disciplined with yourself during a study session. Whether it’s the television on in the background, the postman knocking on your door or other people you live with, distractions come in many forms, and if you’re unable to keep focused, you’re unlikely to digest the information you need to progress with your course.
Procrastination –
When you’re in your comfort zone, it’s far easier to delay your study session and convince yourself that you will be able to find time for it later. When you’ve got access to your television, gaming console, books and other activities that you would usually use to relax, it can be difficult to ignore these items and concentrate on studying.
How to focus on studying at home
If you’re struggling with studying at home, there are a few things you can do to help yourself focus. For instance, you could consider:
- creating a study timetable
- setting short-term and long-term goals
- implementing planned breaks
- finding a routine that works alongside your other commitments
- identifying key areas to work on
- rewarding yourself for effective studying.
How to motivate yourself to revise at home
While it’s important that you study in an effective manner to properly understand the course material, it’s also crucial that you revise correctly in preparation for exams and other forms of assessment.
You may wonder if there’s much of a difference between the actions you can do to stay motivated during studying and revision, but each of these activities requires a tailored approach. For example, studying is more of an ongoing process that could last several months or more, whereas revision is the preparation for an exam that you will need to dedicate time to, but only temporarily.
Steps you should take to remain motivated during revision are:
- Make enough time for revision – don’t leave it until the last minute when you might start to panic and struggle to take information in
- Set up the room you’re going to revise in to be free of distractions
- Plan rewards or break for after your revision sessions
- Eat healthy snacks that boost your energy and help you to maintain concentration
- Switch off or remove any phones or other electronic devices
- Give yourself a moment to calm down and destress prior to revising
- Remain confident and focused as you begin to revise
- Create revision notes as you go along
- If you feel stressed or anxious immediately after revising, unwind by exercising, having a bath or watching a TV show or film that you enjoy.
If you’re struggling to keep focused, it could be because you’re worrying and stressing about your exam. This is perfectly normal, and while there are many different tactics you can use to deal with exam stress, the most important thing to remember is that you need to balance revision with relaxation.
Constant revision might sound like the best approach, but as this is only likely to make you more stressed and lead you to struggle with remembering the course material, moderation is key.